Session 14 - Why have I been Chosen?
In all of your sessions so far in the programme we have tried to help you engage with and learn more about your faith. Now in your final few sessions, we will focus on preparing you for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Obviously, we would rather be doing this in the church, altogether, but due to the Coronavirus we have to try and make this work the best we can. In your last session you learnt about the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this session we will look at how in receiving your Confirmation, you complete your initiation into the Catholic family and whilst might it will be the end of your Confirmation programme it’s actually just the beginning of your life as a fully confirmed Catholic.
To work through the session you will need to scroll down and complete the steps. It will finish with a short quiz to see how well you have engaged with the material.
Before you start…
You’ll need your Chosen book and a pen
Start at page 126 in your book.
Step 1- Dive In:
Read page 126 in your book. How can you relate to Arise? Are you living your life to the full as a Catholic? Are you making the most of your Confirmation Programme and this session? Or are you just going through the motions?
You don’t need to write your answers down. Just think and reflect.
Step 2: Watch It
Step 3: Questions in the book
After watching the video above, can you answer the first two questions on page 127?
Step 4: Watch Segment 2
Step 5: Back to the book
Answer the segment 2 questions on page 1127
Step 6: Watch Segment 3 video
Step 7: Back to the book
Can you answer the last 3 questions on page 127? Once you’ve tried your best with the questions go to page 130 and read about the Hero of the Week, St. Paul the Apostle.
Step 8: Complete the quiz
Now that you’ve watched the videos and read sections from the book you are ready to take the quiz. Before you take the test please remember:
Each session on this online programme ends with a quiz. You must use the same email address for each of the 3 quizzes you complete.
The quiz must be completed in full in one sitting. There are just 9 short questions and it shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to complete.
Before you begin the test we would like to reassure you that this is not like a school test, there is no minimum pass grade. We will simply use it to see how well you have been able to engage with the programme.
Once you have submitted the quiz you will receive an email confirming that you have completed it. You MUST keep this email. We may ask to see it as proof that you have completed the session and if you haven’t saved it you may have to do the session again.