Online Confirmation Programme
Welcome to the homepage for your Online Confirmation Programme. We realise that this will be a new experience for you as Candidates, Parents and Catechists and we are determined to make the transition from in person to online sessions as smooth as possible for you. Firstly, please know that only Year 2 candidates have sessions to complete online. So if you are expecting to be confirmed in June of this year please continue to read ALL of the information below. If you are a candidate in year one of the Programme you do not have any online sessions to complete. Please keep an eye on your emails as we will be in touch with future updates about your programme at a later date.
Important things to know:
For year two candidates there are 3 sessions to complete online.
All session must be completed by the 15th May 2020.
You will not be graded on spelling or grammar and no grades will be given for work completed. We just want to see that you have completed the work and tried your best to engage with the material. If you are struggling to complete the sessions due to reading or writing issues or learning difficulties please email us to see if accommodations can be made.
To complete this online programme you will need;
Access to an email - the same email must be used for all three sessions.
Your Chosen book
A pen
We estimate that each session will take between 30-45 minutes to complete
Currently, we have no definite plans to cancel your Confirmation Mass. This is an ever-evolving situation and we do not know what will happen in the future. Please keep an eye on your emails for any updates.
How to complete the sessions online:
Step 1 - Prepare
Make sure you have everything you need to complete the session (please see above). Start with session 12 and work your way through to Session 14. You can spread out your sessions over the next few weeks or complete them in one sitting - it’s up to you. Each Session has a quiz that must be completed in one sitting. You cannot save your work and come back to it later.
Step 2 - Start your session
Use the buttons below to select the right session. Each session is made up of 3 videos to watch, some reading in your book and questions and finally a quiz. All of the quizzes are multiple choice and you need access to an email to complete them.
Step 3 - Finished your session
Once you have completed your quiz and submitted it we will be notified by email. You will also receive an email confirming that you have completed the quiz and showing you your mark out of 9. Please do not worry about your mark - there are no pass or fail grades. You MUST keep the email you are sent confirming that you have completed the quiz in case we have an issue identifying your quiz submission. We wouldn’t want to have to ask you to do it again!
Step 4 - Completed all your sessions?
We will be in touch in the coming weeks about your Confirmation Mass and preparation meetings when we know more about what the next few months have in store. Please ask your parents to keep an eye on their emails for more news.
Select a session:
Session 12
Session 13
Session 14