Welcome to Session 1 of Marriage Preparation
We begin this session with asking you to reflect back on the journey of your relationship which has brought you to deciding on marriage.
Watch the video below together about one couples journey to love and marriage
Activity 1 Share this activity together. Discuss together each question and take time to share your memories
Making your vows
You exchange a covenant not a contract. You are to be faithful to each other and open to the gift of children. You will be making a ‘Total Gift’ to each other You are to mutually to support each other for the good of each other. You will discuss this more with the member of clergy preparing you
Being there for each other always
It is not the role of your partner to make you happy. Both need to work for the mutual good of the other
Total Gift to each other
It’s not about becoming passive to your own self-worth it’s about both working for the good of the mutual union. It’s about seeing the mutual self-worth of both as valued individuals. It’s about wanting the best for each other and daily recommitting to the bond you have made.
Activity 2 Share this activity together. Discuss together each question and take time to share your memories
Wanting the best for each other
It’s not about losing self but each mutually considering the other. Love isn’t an emotion it’s a choice to decide to gift ourselves for the good of each other. The gift of self is through generous acts of service, listening and respecting each other.and of course, that physical gift of sexual love within marriage
Marriage is the type of relationship God has with his people
This is a relationship of irrevocable faithfulness. God never gives up on his people. This is different from and in fact more than a contract. Life long, Faithful, Freely entered into And much more than a contract.
Much more than a contract
· This quote from Scott Hahn a well-respected Catholic speaker helps us see the difference between a covenant and a contract. I am yours and you are mine
Here is the final activity of this session:
As you finish this session please complete the evaluation as either word DOCX or PDF and email back to us at oasis@catholicchurch.org.je
Please be honest as we use all feed back to develop the programme